Oxford Physics Laboratories

The conference will feature an opportunity to get acquainted with some of the amazing research happening in Oxford Physics. The tours of laboratories held on the Saturday of the conference will cover a range of research areas and methods. Attendees will be able to sign up to their tour of choice during the conference.

Pictures, clockwise from top left: ATLAS semiconductor tracker; attosecond laser pulse science; back of the KMOS spectrographs on the VLT.
Group 1
  • Quantum Computing - A quantum computing lab in which ultracold calcium atoms are trapped in highly focused laser beams and manipulated to form the building blocks of a quantum computer.
  • Biophysics - A biophysics lab where scientists work at the interface of physics, biology and nanotechnology, in order o use physics and nanotechnology (materials science) to understand biological problems and the other way around: to learn from biology to create new bioinspired materials and applications.
  • Applied Superconductivity - A superconductivity lab that aims to pursue projects that can lead to future technologies and the discovery of novel superconducting materials. The Lab is developing a series of experimental and testing facilities to allow easy interaction between academia and industry to solve relevant problems.
Group 2
  • Ion Trap Quantum Computing - An ion-trap lab where ideas in quantum computing are tested and developed, by using laser-manipulated trapped ions.
  • Ultrafast Quantum Optics and Optical Metrology (Lasers) - A laser lab where researchers work on developing ultrashort laser pulses, only an attosecond in length, used to probe dynamics on the timescale of electron orbital motion in an atom.
  • Climate Physics - A Climate Physics Lab where physicists are seeking to understand some of the fundamental principles which underlie the dynamics, formation of waves, and instabilities of rotating fluids, when subject to differential heating and cooling and other forces.
Group 3
  • Astrophysics - An astrophysics lab where instruments for the current and next generation of premier observatories such as the E-ELT are designed and constructed
  • Quantum Optoelectronics (Nanostructures) - A quantum optoelectronics lab where the optical properties of nanostructure are studied.
  • Particle Physics (ATLAS Detector) - A particle physics lab in which parts for the ATLAS detector at CERN, the machine that helped discover the Higgs boson, are calibrated and constructed
Pictures, clockwise from top left: Semiconductor photovoltaics; single calcium ions trapped in laser beams; DNA nanotechnology.
Pictures, clockwise from top left: Supernova generated in a lab by lasers; atomic force microscope cantilever; quantum optics setup.